
Italian Excellence Award

What is the Italian Excellence Award?

The Italian Excellence Award was created with the aim of rewarding Italians who deserve it, such as professionals, companies, entrepreneurs and Italian products, who deserve to be known for their history of passion and commitment.

In this way we try to support the ideals that are part of the Italian tradition, which, through this recognition, acquires new life and hope.

The process of acquiring the award develops through numerous events, from the candidacy to the nomination in Miami, in the third week of July, to the activities of institutional promotion by government and parliament.

The award increases reputation, consolidates brands and generates international business networks.

The nomination for the award is free and open to all.

The award is aimed at companies and professionals who refer to the values ​​of Made in Italy, and who operate in Italy and abroad, maintaining an emotional, cultural and economic bond and link with their homeland.

Independent personalities belonging to the committees of the Italian-American award have been operating for some time, who will evaluate the nominations and assign the prize at their sole discretion.

The nomination for the prize is open in various capacities to all those who will issue an anti-mafia self-declaration.

Particular appreciation will be reserved for those who have distinguished themselves for their social and civil commitment against the mafia and in favor of charitable works.

The prize will be awarded to a professional or a successful company that has at least some of the following characteristics, namely for having distinguished themselves:

- in the capacity for innovation for product or production process;

- in the defense of the employment levels of his company;

- for technological leadership and commitment to research and development;

- for international projection on world markets and innovative marketing studies;

- for environmental sustainability policies and social responsibility of his company in his territory;

- for entrepreneurial dynamism, especially in the case of start-ups;

- in its contribution to international dialogue, with the dissemination of ideals adhering to Western values, summarized by the formula liberty, equality and fraternity.

The presentation of nominations can be done by self-nomination or by third-party presentation.

Presentations must be made to the secretariat of the award by October 4 of each year, through a presentation dossier, consisting of a folder, a website and a reference press review.

Particular attention will be paid to nominations proposed by:

- citizens not having family ties with the nominated persons and companies;

- persons and companies awarded in previous years;

- representatives of Italian and US public institutions.

Nominations must be sent to

The award consists of the delivery of a statuette depicting a woman, an icon of Italy, and involvement, for one year, in all the consulting and communication activities of the award.